19 research outputs found

    Testing PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits

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    Abstract-Design for test is an integral part of any VLSI chip. However, for secure systems extra precautions have to be taken to prevent that the test circuitry could reveal secret information. This paper addresses secure test for Physical Unclonable Function based systems. In particular it provides the testability analysis and a secure Built-In Self-Test (BIST) solution for Fuzzy Extractor (FE) which is the main component of PUF-based systems. The scheme targets high stuck-at-fault (SAF) coverage by performing scan-chain free functional testing, to prevent scan-chain abuse for attacks. The scheme reuses existing FE sub-blocks (for pattern generation and compression) to minimize the area overhead. The scheme is integrated in FE design and simulated; the results show that a SAF fault coverage of 95.1% can be realized with no more than 50k clock cycles at the cost of a negligible area overhead of only 2.2%. Higher fault coverage is possible to realize at extra cost

    No Evidence for Lower Levels of Serum Vitamin D in the Presence of Hepatic Steatosis. A Study on the Portuguese General Population

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    Introduction and aims: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become highly prevalent, paralleling the pandemic of obesity and diabetes, and represents an important burden. Nutrition knowledge is fundamental, in prevention, evolution and treatment of NAFLD. Association of low serum levels of vitamin D (VD) with several diseases, including NAFLD, has been emphasized in the last decade. We evaluated how serum levels of VD correlate with the presence of hepatic steatosis, and VD intake, in a random sample of the Portuguese adult population. Methods: Participants underwent a dietary intake inquiry, using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire representative of the usual intake over the previous year. Anthropometric measures, blood tests and ultrasound were done. Hepatic steatosis was quantified according to Hamaguchi's ultrasonographic score (steatosis defined by a score ≥ 2). Results: We recruited 789 adult individuals, 416 males (52.7%), mean age of 49.9 ± 17.0 years (18-79). Prevalence of hepatic steatosis was 35.5%, and after exclusion of excessive alcohol consumption, 28.0%. Mean VD serum levels were 26.0 ± 9.8 ng/ml and 68.4% participants had serum VD levels below 30 ng/ml. Mean serum levels of VD were not significantly different between participants with steatosis vs. no steatosis: 25.2±8.7 vs. 26.4±10.3 ng/ml, respectively (p=0.071). There was no correlation between VD serum levels and VD intake, measured by the FFQ, r=0.075 (p= 0.383). Conclusions: In spite of a high prevalence rate, there was no evidence that decreased VD serum levels were associated with hepatic steatosis. No significant correlation was found between VD dietary ingestion and VD serum levels.The present study received grants from: Portuguese Association for the Study of the Liver (APEF); Gilead Foundation and Gilead Genesis; and Roche supplied laboratorial kitsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial

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    Funding This work was supported by ERDF through the operation POCI-01−0145-ERDF-007746 funded by the Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização − COMPETE2020 and by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP national support through CINTESIS, R&D Unit (UIDB/4255/2020), CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020 and UIDB/04923/2020) and through the project reference PTDC/BAA-AGR/7419/2020.Gut microbiota modulation might constitute a mechanism mediating the effects of beer on health. In this randomized, double-blinded, two-arm parallel trial, 22 healthy men were recruited to drink 330 mL of nonalcoholic beer (0.0% v/v) or alcoholic beer (5.2% v/v) daily during a 4-week follow-up period. Blood and faecal samples were collected before and after the intervention period. Gut microbiota was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Drinking nonalcoholic or alcoholic beer daily for 4 weeks did not increase body weight and body fat mass and did not changed significantly serum cardiometabolic biomarkers. Nonalcoholic and alcoholic beer increased gut microbiota diversity which has been associated with positive health outcomes and tended to increase faecal alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker of intestinal barrier function. These results suggest the effects of beer on gut microbiota modulation are independent of alcohol and may be mediated by beer polyphenols.publishersversionpublishe

    Ativação de marca : estudo exploratório da perspetiva do praticante

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    Mestrado MarketingA ativação de marca é um conceito cada vez mais presente e importante no mercado atual. Atualmente, os consumidores valorizam o contacto com a marca e o poder de experimentação. A experiência é um momento diferenciador em relação aos outros meios de comunicar e divulgar uma marca, pois permite um contacto próximo com o público-alvo, mexendo com os sentidos das pessoas que a marca quer atingir. Este estudo tem como objetivo a investigação deste conceito de "ativação de marca", os fatores que levam e influenciam uma marca a apostar nesta ferramenta, todo o processo envolvido na realização, os benefícios retirados, o impacto no target de cada marca e a relação do conceito com o marketing de eventos e o marketing experiencial. Para determinar e avaliar o impacto da ativação de marca foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade para investigar as perceções e as experiências de profissionais da área do Marketing que trabalham essencialmente esta ferramenta de gestão da marca, relativamente às características, aos seus objetivos, às exigências que este meio necessita para ser aplicado e à forma como é avaliado o sucesso e o impacto junto do target da marca. Os resultados sugerem que a ativação de marca é um conceito cada vez mais emergente na gestão da marca, pois serve não só para comunicar, como também para diferenciar, posicionar e atribuir valor, em que o seu papel principal é aproximar os públicos das marcas.Over the years, the brand activation concept has become more popular as its presence and importance in the market has increased. Nowadays, consumers do value the contact with the brand and the power of experimenting a certain product or service. The experience is, for sure, a differentiating moment when comparing to other ways of communicate and promote the brand, as it allows a closer contact with the target users, playing with the different senses of the people that the brand intends to reach out for. The purpose of this study is to go deeper into the concept of brand activation, understanding not only which factors lead companies to bet on this kind of tools but also the process behind its utilization. . In order to be able to evaluate and determine the real impact of the brand activation, a series of interviews were conducted. Its purpose was to investigate the perceptions and experiences of Marketers that work mostly with this brand management tool, regarding its characteristics, goals and challenges that they face when implementing it, as well as the way the impact and success is measured when implemented with success. The results suggest that the brand activation concept is an emerging in the brand management world as it allows not only to communicate but also to differentiate, position and add value as its biggest concern is to bring closer the target audience to the brands.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atitudes dos Professores de Educação Física Face à Inclusão de Alunos com Deficiência: Estudo Exploratório Face à Deficiência Auditiva

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    O estudo das atitudes dos professores de Educação Física face ao ensino de alunos com deficiência nas suas aulas de ensino regular, em Portugal, é reduzido, relativamente à condição de deficiência auditiva. Considerando a importância do papel do professor enquanto agente de mudança, este é determinante na formação de atitudes, positivas e negativas, face ao processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência auditiva nas aulas de Educação Física do ensino regular. Assim foi nosso objectivo realizar uma investigação de forma a averiguar quais das características dos professores de Educação Física (idade, género, tempo de serviço, ano de escolaridade que leccionam, habilitações académicas, formação em Ensino Especial ou Necessidades Educativas Especiais, experiência no ensino de indivíduos com deficiência, qualidade de experiência e competência) estão relacionadas com atitudes face ao ensino de alunos com deficiência. O presente estudo é um estudo exploratório de natureza descritiva, uma vez que o instrumento de avaliação PEATID III (Folson-Meek & Rizzo, 1993) está a ser usado pela primeira vez na população portuguesa. A amostra deste estudo é constituída por 254 professores de Educação Física do género masculino (N=164) e feminino (N=90), com idades compreendidas entre os 21 e os 58 anos, sendo a média de idades e desvio padrão 36,64 e 8,94, respectivamente. Há diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as variáveis independentes grupo etário, tempo de serviço, formação em EE, níveis de ensino e experiência relativamente às variáveis dependentes qualidade de experiência, à competência percebida e atitudes. Aparecem fortes correlações positivas no que toca à competência percebida, à qualidade de experiência e às atitudes. Os resultados obtidos após o tratamento estatístico permitira-nos concluir que quanto mais os professores se autopercepcionarem como competentes, mais positivas serão as suas atitudes face ao ensino de indivíduos com deficiência, sendo este o melhor predictor de atitudes. Ficou visivelmente clara a evidência da importância da aposta na formação dos professores de Educação Física. Palavras-chave: Atitudes, Professores de Educação Física, Deficiência Auditiv

    Testing Methods for PUF-Based Secure Key Storage Circuits

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    International audienceDesign for test is an integral part of any VLSI chip. However, for secure systems extra precautions have to be taken to prevent that the test circuitry could reveal secret information. This paper addresses secure test for Physical Unclonable Function based systems. It investigates two secure Built-In Self-Test (BIST) solutions for Fuzzy Extractor (FE) which is the main component of PUF-based systems. The schemes target high stuck-at-fault (SAF) coverage by performing scan-chain free functional testing, to prevent scan-chain abuse for attacks. The first scheme reuses existing FE blocks (for pattern generation and compression) to minimize the area overhead, while the second scheme tests all the FE blocks simultaneously to minimize the test time. The schemes are integrated in FE design and simulated; the results show that for the first test scheme, a SAF fault coverage of 95 % can be realized with no more than 47.1k clock cycles at the cost of a negligible area overhead of only 2.2 %; while for the second test scheme a SAF fault coverage of 95 % can be realized with 3.5k clock cycles at the cost of 18.6 % area overhead. Higher fault coverages are possible to realize at extra cost (i.e., either by extending the test time, or by adding extra hardware, or a combination of both)

    Good correlation between plasma cytokeratin-18 and controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) in healthy population

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    Introduction: Liver steatosis measurement by controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) is a noninvasive method for diagnosing steatosis1. Plasma caspase-generated cytokeratin-18 fragments (CK-18) have been proposed as a non-invasive alternative for the diagnosis of NAFLD, especially NASH2. Aims: compare CK-18 serum levels in apparently healthy individuals with and without steatosis

    “Normal” controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) values: a population-based study of healthy subjects

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    Introduction: Liver steatosis measurement by controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) is a noninvasive method for diagnosing steatosis1. The normal range of CAP values needs to be explored in clinical and anthropometrically diverse healthy subjects. Aims: define the normal range of CAP values in healthy subjects and evaluate the associated factors

    Prevalence of hepatic steatosis in the general Portuguese population: using fatty liver index (FLI) and ultrasound

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    Introdution: The fatty liver index (FLI)1 has been used as a noninvasive measure of hepatic steatosis (HS), but has not been widely validated and not examined in the Portuguese population. According to Bedogni FLI < 30 rules out and FLI ≥ 60 rules in HS1. Aims:- Estimate the prevalence of HS in the Portuguese adult population by FLI and correlate with the ultrasound findings; - Validate FLI for prediction of fatty liver in the Portuguese population